Initiation into Pre-Novitiate

On February 1st 2020, five Juniorists from Jaffna Province arrived at Gnanodhayam to begin their six month period of Pre-Novitiate formation. The following day, they were initiated into the Pre-Novitiate programme at the Eucharistic Celebration that was presided over by Very Rev. Fr. S. Edwin Vasantharajah, OMI, Provincial Superior of Jaffna Province. Two weeks later, one … Read moreInitiation into Pre-Novitiate

Felicitations to the Students of Philosophy

We congratulate Bro. Navaratnaraj Ajanthan, OMI who received the highest level of academic excellence as required by the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome. He received Summa cum Laude Probatus in Philosophy.  And Bro. Claude Marino, OMI who has received the level of academic excellence as required by the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome. He received Cum Laude … Read moreFelicitations to the Students of Philosophy