
Eleven Juniorists were initiated into the Pre-Novitiate on the 02nd of February, 2021 at Gnanodhayam. The Eucharist was presided by Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior. In his homily, Fr. Provincial insisted the significance of the calling and the freedom to respond to that call. He elaborated clearly as to how God actualizes … Read moreInitiation


There was a courtesy visit of Fr. Provincial to Juniorate on the 26th of January, 2021. He was welcomed by Rev. Fr. Amalathas, OMI, the new Rector, Fr. Daniel, OMI and the Juniorists. Fr. Provincial addressed the Juniorists; he pointed out the importance of the formation and the value of the life in the Juniorate. … Read moreJuniorate

MAMI Gathering

Under the guidance of Very Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior, the MAMI members were gathered together at Gnanodhayam on the 2nd of February. Rev. Fr. Wenceslaus, OMI the director of MAMI for Mannar and Vavuniya welcomed the gathering and invited Fr. Provincial to address the gathering. The second gathering was held at … Read moreMAMI Gathering