On October 27th 2019, the Sri Lankan Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy – France commemorated the completion of 25 fruitful years of Jaffna Oblate Chaplaincy Ministry in France. The Episcopal Vicar for Mission, Monseigneur Xavier Rambaud, the Head of the Foreign Communities Service, in the Ecclesiastical Province of Paris, presided over the Jubilee Mass. Very Rev. Fr. Edwin Vasantharajah, OMI Provincial Superior delivered the homily in Tamil. Rev. Fr. Carlos, in charge of the chaplaincies of migrants, concelebrated with the other priests.
Immediately after the Mass, there was a small function in which Monsignor Xavier Rambaud published the Jubilee Souvenir. All credits go to Fr. Joseph Juvanal Kamalanathan, OMI, the Director of Sri Lankan Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy of France and Fr. Paul Matthew Mathanraj, OMI the Prospective Director who planned the whole Silver Jubilee celebrations together with faithful. We also take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported us to celebrate this Silver Jubilee.

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