Religious from different congregation who work in Jaffna Diocese met together on the 13th of December at the Bishop house to have a preparation for the Advent, and it was organized by the Organizing Committee. More than ninety religious brothers and sisters participated in it. The Vicar General Fr. Justin Gnanapiragasam welcomed all and was happy that he had a chance of meeting all the religious at the Bishop House. It commenced at 9.00 am with a short prayer service. His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Sundranayagam , the Bishop of Jaffna addressed the participants and introduced the year of Faith and asked the assembly to deepen their faith through prayer and contemplation.
Rev. Fr. Justin Chawhan SSS, the resource person of the day directed the attention of the religious towards the devotion to the Holy Eucharist on the theme of ‘Call to religious life and the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist: Implications for religious life in preparation for Christmas’. We were called to believe, celebrate and live the experience of the gift of faith in our daily life. He explained his theme in its different perspectives. The Eucharist is a “mystery of faith” par excellance: “the sum and summary of our faith.”(CCC). The Eucharist is at the very heart of the Church’s life. There was an open forum for discussion on this theme of Holy Eucharist. Some of our sisters and fathers shared their life experiences in their different mission.
Rev. Fr. Paul Naddchethiram OMI, the Provincial of the Oblates of Jaffna Province insisted in his talk that we as religious could work in groups to be more effective as we try to respond to the pressing needs of our society. The Vicar General Rev. Fr. Justin Gnanapiragasam, encouraging and commenting on the values of the religious life said in his Christmas message that the life and mission of religious should reach out to the people and lead them to encounter Christ. Our life should be built on prayer and contemplation, and work for the glory of the Kingdom of God.
The gathering came to an end with the prayer service to the Blessed Sacrament and benediction by Rev. Fr. Stephan CR. All were pleased that the session was well organized and meaningful in its procedures. We give some photos taken during the celebration.
The News is given by Religious congregation forum – Jaffnna diocese