1st Group

Our aunual retreat for the first batch of Oblates took place at Gnanothayam, Mannar. Very Rev. Fr. Dilan SSS, the Provincial Superior for the Blessed Sacrament Fathers for the Province of Sri Lanka was our preacher. His presentation was highly vivid, inspiring and thought provoking. He kept us constantly alert and buried us alive to the person of Jesus Christ motivating us to the profound mission as Oblates to the cause of the new poor with deep vision of unconditional love. The six wonderful days cannot be forgotten for they were days of grace, other-centeredness, renewal, reconciliation and renewed life in Jesus Christ.
Our mission and life as committed Oblates has to flow from the heart of Jesus, the vessel of infinite love. It has to be constantly filled with the liberated presence of Jesus Christ and the affiliated presence of the poor whom we are called to serve. Let us move forward announcing the Good News to the poor having Jesus Christ as our prime mover reading the signs of times, being charged with the Charism of our Founder, St. Eugene de Mazenod. The merits of good deeds accomplished will always be treasured. May the treasure hunt be continued overcoming all trials. May Jesus be praised!
Rev. Fr. Vincent Patrick, OMI
2nd Group

The annual retreat for the second group of Oblates was held on 18th October 2020 at Gnanodhayam, Mannar. Twenty Oblates participated in this retreat. Rev. Fr. Alwin Fernando, for the diocese of Kandy and a Scripture Professor at the National Seminary Kandy, preached the retreat. The spiritual talks were very simple and down to earth. He helped us to find treasure in our Constitutions and Rules in the light of the Word of God. Again and again he insisted on the book of Constitutions and Rules which is another Gospel for the Religious thereby to read it every day and to live the Charism of the Founder meaningfully. Everyday evening we had vespers followed by holy hour. The Holy hour before the final day was a heart touching one for me and I am sure for all the participants; each of us went one by one before the Blessed Sacrament and holding the Lord we thanked Him for all His blessings at the same time the others were praying for the one who was at the altar. With thanksgiving Mass presided over by Very Rev.Fr. Eugene, the Provincial Superior we concluded our annual retreat on 24th October 2020.
Rev. Fr. Sathiyaseelan, OMI
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