- Academic and cultural involvement
We are new to this reality at the beginning. So much so we are all involved seriously in our studies as our priority. Our participation in cultural events could not push through due to the pandemic which completely hindered our learning. In addition, we were asked to be engaged in the learning experience within the premises of the Scholasticate itself as far as the extracurricular activities are concerned. There are advantages and disadvantages from this exploration since there lacked an interaction among all the other Brothers of different dioceses and religious Orders.

- Inter-Cultural formation
Apart from the intellectual formation, the community living for us religious has been emphasised very much by the Formators of the Scholasticate. It remains the qualitative rhythm of the daily living. There are Brothers from the South and Lesotho. The major focus is our interactive role with them since the cultural and linguistic factors play a prominent role. However, this particular fact can never be a hindrance for us because we are all Oblates, and it produces fraternity rather than enmity as we all belong to the ONE – derived ones origin from the ONE and the same Source of all Creation.

- Liturgical Formation
Essentially the liturgical formation is indispensable to every one of us. It is a requirement for both learning and for our spiritual satisfaction. The opportunities to practice our liturgy at this Scholasticate are to be very much appreciated; there are readings during our Eucharistic celebration, Eucharistic Adoration, Marian devotion, Group Mass where we share our reflection, and so on. The Formators are very supportive and encouraging for us to acquire meaningful and effective liturgical services. The recitation of the Office, participation in the Eucharist, the meditation, the spiritual reading are the other spiritual exercises which make us so involved and active to carry on the daily activities and create in us the desire and thirst to experience Christ in all our activities of the day. It is explicit that it leads to an efficacy of the liturgy through which the prospect of sanctification of soul has been assured.

- Our gratitude
Our sincere gratitude is due to the following members: both the Superiors, the staff and all the fellow brother Scholastics. There are many reasons for our indebtedness to thank them. Formators always accompany us with fraternal challenges and understanding. They trust us in our becoming future Oblates. Honestly saying we never felt lonely because of our mutual understanding and collaboration that exist in our community. We really enjoy our stay here and we always feel at home. We are so faithful to our precious vocation and embrace the missions that are ahead of us.

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