Among the total number of thirty one (31) Oblate Brothers in the Asia-Oceania Region twenty two (22) gathered at Oblate Missionary Centre (OMC), Quezon City, Philippines, on November 19 – 24, 2019. They came from various Oblate Units, viz., Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Jaffna, Colombo, Japan, and China. Bros. Sebastian AMIRTHARAJAH DABARERA OMI, and Jenistan THERESPUSPAM OMI, the members of Jaffna Province, participated in this conference.
At the inauguration, Fr. Charlie INZON – the Provincial of the OMI Province of the Philippines, presided over the Eucharistic celebration while Fr. Antonius WIDIATMOKO OMI – the Scholasticate Superior of Indonesian Province concelebrated. After the Eucharistic celebration, the Oblate brothers introduced themselves and their current assignment to other participants who were present. The dominant atmosphere of this meeting was Oblate fraternity, joy, and enthusiasm. The focus of the conference was to encourage ‘Oblate Life,’ especially to bring out the prophetic role and the good quality of oblate religious life among the priests. Their identity and their mission in the Congregation as well as in the Church were highlighted during the following session.

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