We, the Oblates are proud of celebrating the 175 years of Oblate presence in Sri Lanka. Oblates from both Provinces – Jaffna and Colombo together with Bishops of Jaffna, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Mannar, the Vicar Generals, Episcopal Vicars, Provincials of other Congregations, Priests, Religious and lay faithful were gathered together in the Eucharist on the 14th of February, 2022, at De Mazenod Chapel, Columbuthurai, Jaffna, Sri Lanka in order to praise and thank the Lord for his greatness and wonders.
“As we celebrate this wondrous occasion, with grateful hearts, we thank our heavenly Father for his mercy, fidelity and love. May the Lord allow us to write new pages that are as evangelically fruitful as those of our brothers, who over the past 175 years have borne witness to that great love of Christ and His Church. We look to the future with unwavering hope and an unshaking trust and faith in the Lord.
We, the Oblates in Sri Lanka, raise our minds and hearts to God in thanksgiving for letting us to be part of this illustrious history of the Church in Sri Lanka. Let us be encouraged and continue with courage and passion to be faithful to the unique missionary calling the Lord has entrusted to us. For this, we look to the past with gratitude, live out the present with passion and ready to embrace the future with hope” said Very Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior of the Province of Jaffna.

We wish you all “Happy Jubilee”
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