On the second of February, five were initiated into the Pre-Novitiate programme; two of them are from the Province of Colombo and three from the Province of Jaffna. Fr. Provincial in his sermon said that “Formation is indispensable for everyone who is born in this world; We talk about liturgical formation, human formation, intellectual formation and so on. An integral formation includes everything mentioned above. The formation begins to be realized by starting from knowing oneself. This motivation from self-knowledge leads to a formation which will help him to relate with others. We call it a transformation. The origin of formation is family. Everything begins from there. We call them a value formation. This value formation will be the foundation to acquire the faith in God which is so important. So the call of God comes from when he is in a family in other words when he is under the VALUE formation”.
We appreciate and extend wishes for a better programme at the Pre-Novitiate.
“You are committed to continue the vital mission of St. Eugene de Mazenod, our Founder to strengthen this modern world wounded by this man-made pandemic and support the lives broken by continued challenges and hardships. May God continue to guide you”.

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