Message from the Provincial

Dear Brother Oblates,

As we journey towards 200 years-Jubilee of the foundation of our Congregation, the celebration of 17th of February is a privileged occasion to pause and ponder. This is the day when our founder St. Eugene de Mazenod awaited the approbation of our Rules and Constitutions with patience and determination. Fr. Frank Santucci writes about this event:

‘It was while Eugene was enthusiastically telling the Pope about the generous missionary zeal and extraordinary pastoral accomplishments of the Oblates that the Pope had recognized this work as coming from God…”[1]

I would like to dwell on two complementary dynamics in the above quote. In a time when it was customary for the Church to grant only a “praise” for religious orders, who seek approbation of their rules, Pope Leo XII personally intervened and went further to approve the Oblate Constitutions and Rules. The reason given was that the Pope saw in the “missionary zeal and pastoral accomplishments of the Oblates” the hand of God. This dynamism is alive even today; when we set forth in His name the results are miraculous in spite of our limitations and idiosyncrasies. St. Luke illustrates this eloquently, where the 72 disciples who were sent by Jesus returned dumbfounded by the results[2]. Luke says that they were sent to places where Jesus was to go – the astonishing results were due to the Lord’s presence in their ministry.

Secondly it is interesting to note our founder’s positive approach. He was enthusiastically telling the Pope about his men; the “generous missionary zeal and extraordinary pastoral accomplishments…” The Oblates of Jaffna are conscious of the blessings bestowed on every member of the province. At present we are 90 Oblates who belong to the Province of Jaffna. The average age of the Oblates in the Province is 47.5. Nevertheless we do not revel in numbers and age but in the fact that these 90 dedicated “jars of clay”[3] are entrusted to hold a treasure of immense value: our Lord Jesus Christ. We, like the “Wounded Healers”[4] though not perfect are called and sent by the Lord to heal with His presence and power.

On the 8th of December 2013 the Province of Jaffna officially inaugurated the Triennium Animation Program in preparation for our 200 years Jubilee. I am confident that our efforts during this period will endow the sons of St. Eugene de Mazenod with “generous missionary zeal and extraordinary pastoral accomplishments”.

[2]   Luke 10: 17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”

[3]   2 Cor. 4: “…but we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us”

[4]   See Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen