Oblate District meetings


The Oblates who serve in the Oblate district of Jaffna gathered at Nambikkai Illam on the 18th of March, 2021 for their monthly meeting. There were two special items in that meeting namely the discussion on the theme for the next General Chapter and sharing of Fr. Sujaharan, OMI about his missionary experience in Mexico.

In order to choose a theme, we were divided into three groups and had our discussion and finally we all came together to listen to the presentations of each group. Then we drew the theme and submitted to provincial administration.Then Fr. Sujaharan, OMI shared bout his mission and struggles in his mission land followed with a prayer service. The meeting ended with fellowship meal.

On the 25th of April, the Oblates were gathered at Anjali Aham, Point Pedro for their District meeting. Fourteen members participated at the meeting. Fr. Eugene Amalraj, OMI explained about the purpose of Anjali Aham and elaborated the programmes that have been taking place. Following that, Frs. Carowf, OMI and Jenis, OMI shared their experiences in their respective missions. Then Fr. Suren, OMI led the meeting with his intellectual exploration on “Oblation Formula”, as the part of his Licentiate Thesis: The act of Oblation in the rite of Religious Profession of the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the light of Ordo Professionis Religiosae.


The 3rd district meeting for the Oblate District of Trincomalee and Batticaloa was held on 26th February, 2021 at 9.15 am at the parish of Iruthayapuram, Muthur, Trincomalee. There were five members present for the meeting. Fr. Antony Sylvester, OMI, the District Superior welcomed all the members for the meeting. There was a Lenten talk given by Fr. Sebastian, OFM. The theme was, “Is it a meaningful lent for me”. He shared the differences between the two mountains called Tabor and Calvary. The members shared about their mission and the experiences. The meeting came to an end with the prayer by Fr. Reval, OMI at 12.20 pm followed with a fellowship lunch.


The 1st District meeting of the year of 2021 for the Oblates from Mannar and Vavuniya was held on the 16th of April 2021 at St. Antony’s Church KanagarayanKulam. We were all gathered at 04.30 pm and recited the Rosary. Seventeen members participated. Then Fr. Roy OMI, the District superior invited Fr. Paul Nadchathiram, OMI to take charge of the forum and to elaborate the questionnaire for the Inter Chapter meeting. After his explanation everyone contributed with their opinions and views. They are: the Oblate Identity, Religious Life, Community life, Ongoing Formation and Evangelization. Then we had the mission sharing. Every one shared their difficulties and their experiences. After that as members of the district we celebrated the Birthday of Fr. Loshington, OMI.

Kilinochchi -Mullaitivu

The district meeting of Kilinochchi Mullaitivu district was held on the 6th of March 2021 at AmaithyThendral, Mullaitivu. The meeting began at 10.15 am with a prayer led by Rev. Fr. Beshman, OMI. There were thirteen Oblates present who are working in this district. Rev. Fr. Confucious,OMI the vocation director, and Fr. Alban Rajasingam, OMI shared their experiences. Rev. Fr. John Patrick, OMI shared about his MAMI programs, and educational activities carried out at Oddusuddan. The Oblates working in this district were very happy to welcome Rev. Fr. Sujaharan,OMI a missionary from Mexico. He shared his valuable and rich missionary experience gained over there. In his sharing, he said that he has completed three years and he was in a parish as well as in a formation house.
At the request of Rev. Fr. Provincial Superior there was a discussion to prepare a document for forthcoming Chapter, in 2022. This discussion was under the themes of Oblate identity (Religious life, Apostolic community and Formation) and Evangelizing the poor (Laity and Inter-culturality).

The district meeting for the district of Kilinochchi –Mullaitivu was held on the 11th of April, 2021. The meeting began at 5.15 pm with a short prayer led by Rev. John Patrick. Then the prepared document for the forthcoming chapter, in 2022 was taken for discussion and with some corrections and adaptations it was finalized. At 7.15 pm the meeting came to an end with the recitation of Holy Rosary and Holy Adoration. A delicious supper was served by the OBTEC community.

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