During the major vacation of the academic year 2019 – 2020, we, the scholastics were exposed to Akarayankulam parish for our pastoral experience under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Reval OMI. We, in collaboration with the parish priest conducted a spiritual renewal program as a preliminary preparation for their church feast and reception of sacraments.
At the interior phase of this program we visited all the families and made documentation for each to have better record of each family. House helped us more to create a good rapport with the people for ready access and conversation. We helped people to prepare themselves spiritually to celebrate their church feast meaningfully.
We also conducted seminars at the request of the parish priest for children, altar servers, legion of Mary, youth, very specially we visited a school which was in that parish territory for preparing them for their examinations and instructing them with regard to certain moral behaviours of students.
All in all, it was a successful and enriching program for both parishioners and to us scholastics who were engaged in the renewal program.
Bro. Ajanthan
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