We the Scholastics, Bros. Santhiapillai Santhirathas, Jesuratnam Jeevaratnam, Canijude Benat Singer and Xavier Justinrajah had our preparation for the Perpetual Oblation, starting from July 31 – August 31, 2019 at Gnanodhayam, Mannar. It has been indeed, an occasion for us to appreciate our vocation as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It was an opportunity for individual transformation into Christ: His life, mission and message and the days of blessing to contemplate how the Lord has been leading us during our formation years and also to renew our choice and decision with greater clarity and firmness.
Under the guidance of Fr. Antony Sylvester, OMI we could expose ourselves into the Ignatian Spiritual Exercise where we journeyed into our lives in the light of Jesus’ Life and the Paschal Mystery: His passion, death and resurrection. The programs were scheduled in convenience to us, the retreatants.
It was more a personal journey of each one of us into our own lives so as to examine our availability for God’s mission. To add meaning to the invitation given by Fr. Provincial at the beginning of the retreat, it has been an effort to create a space for God in each one’s life and to find the ultimate answer for our deepest longing for happiness in committing ourselves as religious in the Oblate Congregation. With the resolutions taken, the one month journey with the Lord would add colour to the rest of our lives as perpetually professed Oblates, as shining vessels, in the hand of Christ, as witnesses of the everlasting covenant.
We are ever grateful to God for these grace-filled days and for all at whose generosity and accompaniment we could attain a fruitful completion of the 30 day spiritual exercises. We are also thankful to the Oblates at Gnanothayam, particularly to Fr. Wenceslaus OMI who helped us spiritually leading us every day, in one-to-one session. And the other Oblates viz., Fr. Emil Morraes, OMI, Fr. Aloysius Roy, OMI, Fr. Vimalanathan, OMI, and Fr. Jude Carowf, OMI who also shared their reflections either in the talks or in the homilies leading us to walk with the Lord. Finally, we are indeed obliged to Fr. Provincial, who took all the initiatives to make our preparation for perpetual oblation, a useful and a valuable event.
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