Forty seven years ago the Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of the Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis 1965) urged a process of renewal that would include returning constantly both to the sources of all Christian life and to the original spirit of one’s Institute and also adapting to the signs of the time ( PC 2). The meaning of Religious life has been explained by various definitions during its evolvement in the history of the Church. The Religious are called to a radical discipleship as well as in another way they are called to deepen the Baptismal committment through the acceptance of the Evangelical Counsels. The Council Fathers also said that the manner of praying, living and working should suit the cultural, social and economic demands ( PC 3 ).
The renewal of an Institute depends how far the Institute identifies its driving forces for an authentic renewal as well as identifying restraining forces which become an obstacle for renewal and growth of the Religious Order.If we are to anaylyze the situation of our Oblate Province of Jaffna we have to ask ourselves what really drives us to shape out future religious life in the Province as well as the Province as a whole, if we seriously want to respond to the call of conversion and renewal among the members.The important driving force behind the shaping the future of our Province should be the recognition of the Charism and openess towards the working of the Spirit in the present situation. An authentic conversion is experiened in the heart of the person if one discovers his true inner self in the light of the Word of God as well as in light of the Spirit of the Charism. Any Apostolic institute has this understanding as the base for their spirituality and mission that is the call of the disciples by Jesus to be with Him and to be sent for mission.
The future of the Religious Life and conversion in our Province must take into account the current state of the Province , the hopes and dreams of its members, the realitity of its resources, and the needs of God’s people. Openess to the work of the Spirit through constant prayer, dialogue, and a continuos reading of the sign of times is critical. Evaluation and correction during the process of conversion will help the members of our Province to be honest and authentic about their efforts in the accomplishment of the mission in the present post war scenario. It is unfortunate that some perceive an honest assessment of the situation of a Province towards renewal as an indictment or accusation against the adminstration rather than a positive effort in the right direction for an authentic renewal of the Province.
The driving force which shape the future of the Religious life in our Province should not be our projects and money though we may help the most abandoned in the post war situation. Following in the footsteps of our Founder the call to evangelize the poor has to be understood in its proper perspective. An inclusive approach in relation to its memebers and to cultivate a spirituality of communion is the need of the hour of our Province. The importance of prayer and simpilicity life can become the hallmarks of our Province in the present situation where God’s people experience poverty in its various forms in our present society.
In general, it is encouraging to hear Religious focused increasingly on the accomplishment of the mission of Jesus as expressed through their Charism. But how far their lives have become a witness to their Charism in the present situation is a question. Sometimes there may be vocations for a Religious Congregation even in the present era amidst the emergence of materialism and hedonism. The issue of the sense of belonging or the membership in a community has to be examined. Oldways of belonging like( common ministry. Common schedule) no longer seems functional. So what are the new ways to determine the meaning of Community life? It is the spirituality of communion which bring the members together in a spirit of genuine relationship in Jesus Christ. This kind of an understanding of belonging or a community life needs conversion and forgiveness. An inclusive approach towards the memebers of our Province is essential and need of the hour for the growth of our Province.