Major Vacation Programme for the scholastic theologians was designed in three different places, viz., Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Anningkanda in the diocese of Galle, Church of Our Redeemer, Maniyanthoddam in the diocese of Jaffna and Our Lady of Good Voyage, Chaddy, in the diocese of Jaffna.
Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus – Anningkanda
We, the nine Scholastics of De Mazenod Scholasticate engaged in the follow up mission of ‘Anpiam’ and the annual feast preparation held at the Sacred Heart Church, Anningkanda from 31st of July to 11th of August 2019. The days spent at Anningkanda, were remarkably appreciated by the parishioners as well as the parish priests since the people were truly oriented to understand the deep sense of ‘Anpiam’. Most of them were able to benefit from it, of course, they were spiritually prepared to celebrate the annual church feast. During the first five days, we visited the families and held ‘Anpiam’. With our support, the parishioners organized a beautiful cultural programme on one evening. As a whole, these few days of engagement at Anningkanda parish mission really gave us the foretaste of our future mission.
Church of Our Redeemer – Manianthoddam
Completing Anningkanda pastoral exposure, we continued with another exposure, viz., the Grand Mission at Manianthoddam parish, from 15th of August to 15th of September. The Grand Mission titled “We are Called to Renew the Strength” (Is. 40:31), was gathering all the people to renew their strength in the Lord by their active participation in the cottage Masses, seminars, way of the cross, penitential service, Marian procession and Eucharistic procession. All the programmes were well planned and conducted accordingly. We conducted services focusing on AsIPA (Anpiyam) which became the central point and purpose of the Grand mission. There were seminars for youth, children, and parents. We were moved very much when we were fully involved with the people in their happiness and struggles, in their ups and downs. They welcomed us with their generosity and love. It was also an exercise for all of us to know what an Oblate Grand Mission is all about. We hope that these experiences will help us to grow more and more in our formative period to be good Oblate missionaries.
Our Lady of Good Voyage – Chaddy
Soon after the Grand Mission at Manianthoddam we moved to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage at Chaddy to help at the shrine in its annual feast. It was another experience since it was a shrine. Every day the faithful were coming in great numbers to pray in front of Mother Mary and to light candles for the expiation. We were thirteen in number; every one of us was in-charge of different responsibilities which kept all of us very busy. We express our sentiments of gratitude to all the oblates, particularly to our Superior as well as our Provincial who assisted in our pastoral exposure programs during this major vacation

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