Titular and principal
patron of the congregation
It is our honour to celebrate the great solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of the Congregation. The Founder would say that we shall always look on her as our mother. Wherever our ministry takes us, we will strive to instill genuine devotion to the Immaculate Virgin who prefigures God’s final victory over all evil. (cf. C. 10) Soon after receiving the name “Oblates of Mary Immaculate” in 1826, the Founder willed to have Bl. Virgin Mary’s feast been celebrated as an important event in the life of the Congregation. Therefore, the Oblates come together and renew the consecration to Bl. Virgin Mary because we are “consecrated to God under the patronage of Mary, whose name the Congregation bears like a family name it has in common with the most holy and immaculate Mother of God” said our Founder.
Amala Utpavam Community together with all the Oblates celebrated the feast on the 8th of December. The festive Mass was presided over by Very Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior followed by breakfast. Everyone who came for the feast shared their joy and happiness with the members.

General Meeting
The General Meeting of the Province of Jaffna for the year 2021 was held on the 8th of December, 2021 at 9.30 am at Thodarpaham, the Provincialate. The meeting commenced with a prayer led by Fr. Sj. Suren, OMI.
In the introductory note, Very Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior, outlined four aspects of Synodality which calls for mutual listening, mutual discernment, mutual decision making and finally the implementation of the decision made.
Following that Rev. Fr. Jegankumar Coonghe, OMI with the PowerPoint, made a presentation on the Synod on Synodality which is to be held in the year 2023. He then invited Fr. Godfrey Joel, OMI, the Secretary to present the minutes of the previous General meeting held on the 08th of December, 2020. Thereafter Rev. Fr. F.L.N. Croos, OMI, the Provincial Treasurer presented the accounts from 1st of October, 2020 to 30th November, 2021 and updated the house on the Financial status of the Province. The house was open for clarification, sharing and discussion. There was a lively sharing of concerns, expectations and recommendations. Making his final assessment on the recommendations made by the house, Fr. Provincial shared the following. 1.The cooperation of the members are highly valued; 2. New ministries are initiated; 3. The long-awaited renovation of our houses and centers have been made; 4. The Province positively responded to all the financial requests made by the members for the purpose of the mission and ministries. 5. The willingness of the members to accept transfers was appreciated; 6. The Finance Directory and the Formation Directory have been made and to be approved by the General Administration. 7. The visits made by the Provincial were appreciated by the members and made strengthened in their conviction.
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