Asia-Oceania Formator’s Conference Meeting was held from January 13 to 19, 2013 in Manila and Cotabato City, Philippines. The chosen theme was “The Context of the Youth Today”. There were 18 delegates and AORC liaison person from 12 Oblate units in Asia Oceania Region participated. There were 4 input talks and workshops were conducted regarding today’s youth culture & formation. After the talks there were group discussions and presentations (of the formation programme about the Oblate units in Asia Oceania). Finally the participants were visiting Philippino Oblate formation houses and few Oblate youth ministry places like universities, high schools and few Oblate missions. Fr. P. Jeyanthan omi participated from the Province of Jaffna while Fr. Paul Nachethiram omi, the provincial of Jaffna Province , represented the AORC as its chairperson .