In view of the annual General Formation Committee meeting that will be held in Cedara, South Africa in February 2020, the Formation Committee of Jaffna Province gathered on January 21, 2020. Fr. Provincial, the liaison person for formation from the provincial council, the Superior of the Scholasticate, Jaffna, the Director of the Pre-Novitiate and the Rector of the Juniorate, gathered at the De Mazenod Scholasticate, Colombuthurai, Jaffna.
At the beginning of the session, Fr. Provincial appreciated the commitment of the committee members in the formation ministry. During the session, the committee members were invited to share their experiences of ‘Good News’ and ‘Challenges’ in the vocation promotion, initial and ongoing formation. There was a very meaningful sharing and reflections. There were also some planning about the contribution from the formation communities for the AORC – 2020 that is going to be held in Jaffna in the month of March 2020.

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