Fifteen of our young Oblates visited the mission places of our Province and pay our Oblate solidarity to our brother Oblates who are with the new faces of the poor. We really experienced the Synodal Church in their missions. Indeed they are community spirit-centered, mission-oriented and participatory. They are real missionaries in our own land. It is a golden opportunity for us to be with them during this crucial pandemic situation. We thank our dear Fr. Provincial and Fr. Treasurer for their great support and guidance in various ways. We started our journey on 17th January, 2022 from Jaffna and visited our Oblate Houses, Centers and Parishes in Vavuniya, Anuradapura, Avissawela, Balangoda, Passara, Lunugala, Batticaloa, Muttur and Trincomalee. Rev. Fr. Sujaharan, OMI gave an input talk via webinar on “What is after Pandemic? – A moment of renewal of Religious Life.”
We are thankful to all the Fathers and Sisters for their hospitality and generosity.

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