The second meeting for the Oblate Priests in the first five years of their Priesthood was held on the 16th of November, 2021 at Chaddy. Fourteen of them were present for the meeting. The meeting began with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. V. Morris, OMI. Fr. SJ. Suren, OMI, the President highlighted the triple purpose of this meeting: 1. The fellowship and the fraternity among Oblates; 2. The sharing of the experience and the exposure that everyone receives in the mission entrusted, thereby all become aware of the mission, the struggle, the strength and the challenge of each other; 3. The subjective responsibilities towards the Congregation, the Province and the Church at large. In a speech Fr. Provincial Superior emphasized on the Priestly Decorum and promised the members that he would support, accompany and encourage the members throughout the mission. Fr. Godfrey, OMI, the liaison person for ongoing formation addressing the members, highlighted on pinpointing our life and mission on the caller and building up of this life with fraternal support and fraternal correction.
Our thanks are due to Fr. Jegankumar Coonghe, OMI, the administrator of the Shrine for having accepted the request and accommodated the members and nourished them with the love and fellowship meal. He led us with his input talk on “Priestly Beatitudes”.
Sincere thanks go to all the members who were loyal and faithful to the responsibilities given and supported with availability and generosity.
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